The Bhagavad Gita – Online Course
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Yoga for All
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Join me online for a comprehensive guide to the Bhagavad Gita.
It's a text with a timeless message about yoga and social engagement. It also raises a few awkward questions, which we won't shy away from, but the primary aim is to see how its teachings might inspire us.
As the course website puts it:
"What's our ultimate purpose in life? Many yogic texts promote renunciation, but the Bhagavad Gita has other priorities. It makes yoga compatible with daily activities, and it describes how to find peace of mind by serving others..."
The Gita speaks directly to modern practitioners – it's often the prism through which they interpret other texts, such as the Yoga Sutra, whose goals are ascetic. Reading it together over four weekly modules, we'll discuss how to find liberation in everyday life.
The format combines video talks, which are clear and engaging, with recorded Q&As. You can also ask questions at any time online.
Click the button to find out more and join us!
Introductory Video
Click the arrow below to view. Also available on YouTube.