Book Club: Hatha Pradipika
A four-week study group in London
The evolution of physical yoga
With Daniel Simpson
Mon, 18 Nov - 9 Dec 2019 (18:15 - 19:30)
Triyoga Camden (£45)
Book now at
How did physical yoga develop and what was its purpose? The word hatha is often used today for a gentler approach – perhaps in contrast to flow. However, its original meaning was “forceful,” and its powerful methods included arm balances.
To explore where hatha came from, and how it relates to modern yoga, we’ll read the fifteenth-century Hatha Pradipika, whose title translates as “Light on Hatha.” Over four weekly sessions, we’ll see how it builds on earlier teachings, combining Tantric ideas with ascetic techniques to transform the practitioner. We’ll also look at links between energetic practice and the ultimate goal of becoming absorbed in meditation.
To prepare for each session, we’ll read one chapter of the text. Handouts will offer some guidance on themes to consider. These provide a springboard for group conversation, though everyone is free to contribute however they wish.
The recommended translation is by Brian Akers, but it’s fine to use others if you prefer. Please come to the opening session having read the first chapter, which talks about asana.