Practical yoga philosophy
Yoga for Life – a Four-Part Course
Join me in June for an engaging guide to the Bhagavad Gita! It teaches yoga as a way to act wisely in everyday life, and unlike many other yogic texts, it says there's nothing to renounce except self-centred thinking. Over four weekly sessions, we'll look at key verses and discuss them together. Among other topics, we'll examine what it means to live life as an offering, reflect on definitions of social justice, and see why the divine that exists in all beings inspires ethical conduct. The format of the course is accessible and fun. Participate in person, online or via replay.
Faith, Strength and Clarity in Oxford
Techniques for inversions and balances (Saturday, January 30, 2:00–5:00 pm). Do you ever find you wobble if you stand on your head, your hands or your forearms? Would you like to build more confidence to turn upside down, or lift up from the ground? How might yoga philosophy help us face fears? Join me and Manu Rossi to work on these skills. We’ll build firm foundations for postures, looking both at the physical and mental dimensions. We'll also see how this relates to some of the broader goals of practice, from steadiness of mind to internal detachment.
Yoga Sutra Course in Cheltenham
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is often said to teach the theory behind modern practice. But what does it actually say, apart from listing eight things that include the word asana? Join me in Cheltenham (or via Zoom) for an in-depth exploration of this influential text. Over four weekly sessions, we'll study key sutras that explain its objectives, and consider how they might be applied in the twenty-first century. The format of the course is accessible and fun, with the aim of inspiring discussions on yoga philosophy and what makes it relevant to modern practitioners.
Upper Rissington Yoga
[IN-PERSON CLASSES SUSPENDED] This dynamic approach to yoga is accessible - suitable both for beginners and those with experience. You don't have to be bendy, or exceptionally fit. Practice helps focus the mind while building strength and flexibility. Sports stars use yoga to help them recover and avoid injury. When restrictions permit, classes are at Upper Rissington Village Hall. In the meantime, online private instruction is available. If you have any questions, please contact the teacher, Daniel Simpson.